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Friday, October 11. 2019

Non surgical Butt lift instead of Brazilian Butt lift BBB with Sculptra and Ultherapy / Thermage combination

Many women consider improving the appearence of their buttocks and thighs. Unfortunately treatment options are limited and include surgery and fat transfer with BBB which can have significant risks and downtime.

Another less invasive option is to tighten the skin with either Ultrasound or Radiofrequency (Ultherapy, Thermage, Thermi, Venus Viva and more) and achieve augmentation and projection with fillers such as Sculptra. SCulptra for example can last up to 5 years.

The non surgical approach is safer and less invasive than fat grafting and BBB.

On the other hand treatment results are more modest and not every one is a candidate.

If you don't want surgery ask your Dermatologist about non surgical options with fillers, lasers and Ultrasounds such as Ultherapy and Thermage CPT.


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Dr David Rahimi

follow us on instagram and watch me perform Butt Augmentation with Ultherapy and Sculptra




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