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There are many forms of dark spots that present challenging problems in dermatology. Millions of people suffer from this condition and have assumed that they must live with it, but dark spots or Melasma can be effectively treated.
Darkened regions of the skin occur when the skin-coloring pigment known as melanin is either abnormal or abnormally distributed - the reverse - hypopigmentation is a result of underactive melanocytes. Dark spots can be the result of skin that is sensitive to sunlight, genetic predisposition, hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills, pregnancy, fungal infections, antibiotics (sulfonamides and tetracyclines), diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), pain relievers, and some psychiatric medications.
Treatment initially starts with effective sun protection, topical bleaching lotions such as hydroquinone (4%, 6%, and 8%), kojic acid, alpha and beta glycolic acids and microdermabrasions. In some instances more aggressive treatments such as medium depth chemical peels (jessners and TCA) and lasers are indicted. Allow us to evaluate your skin and design a regimen that works for you.
Special Note - moles should be checked regularly. Most are harmless, but any dark spot that is either new or changing should be monitored by a dermatologist. If detected early, malignant melanoma - a very aggressive cancer, is curable.
Note: None of the above is intended as medical advice.