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Category : New Treatments
Friday, February 23. 2018
The non ablative Diamond hand piece of venus Viva is ideal for tightening of the skin. There is no downtime and no pain while getting the treatment.
Venus Viva also has an ablative hand piece that inserts 36 small needles under the skin. RF energy is transmitted through the needles and tightens the skin. This modality does have a 3 day downtime (swelling and peeling).
Many conditions ranging from Rosacea to acne scarring and discolorations can be treated with these 2 types of Venus Viva. Please watch our video and consider seeing Dr David Rahimi for a complimentary consultation.
Zonya Villatoro
office manager
323 653 7700
Category : Acne Scarring Treatments
Friday, February 23. 2018
I have now used Bellafill for the past 3 years. I have tested nearly a 100 patients and seen no adverse reactions to the test spots. Allergic reactions to the Collagen portion of Bellafill are possible but very rare.
Overall I have to say that I am very impressed with Bellafill. Besides the rare occurrence of bruising and swelling I have only seen deeper nodules twice. Both times the "granulomas" resolved with massage and dilute kenelog injection (kenelog 2.5mg/cc 0..2 cc).
I have found Bellafill to be effective for deeper rolling acne scars. I perform subcision with a NoKor needle followed by injection of Bellafill at various levels of the dermis. Deeper laugh lines can also be filled with Bellafill. This is an FDA approved indication.
As an off label use I use Bellafill to augment cheeks and the chin. Deeper layers of Bellafill can also be placed judiciously along the jawline. This results in a lifting of the cheeks and sharper and more well defined demarcation between the cheek and neck. It is ideal for patients who have lost a lot of weight or are experiencing sagging from excessive sun exposure.
Please watch our video on Youtube
Dr David Rahimi