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Category : Lipolysis / Liposuction
Thursday, September 5. 2024
Lasers can sometimes be a gimmick. But when it comes to liposuction lasers can significantly improve the final outcome by redcing bruising and pain and facilitating the tightening of the skin.
Research SMARTLIPO TRIPLEX for the treatment of unwanted fatty deposits.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia (with oral or intramuscular pain medications if needed).
323 653 7700
Los Angeles Calfornia
Category : Lipolysis / Liposuction
Thursday, September 5. 2024
Lasers can sometimes be a gimmick. But when it comes to liposuction lasers can significantly improve the final outcome by redcing bruising and pain and facilitating the tightening of the skin.
Research SMARTLIPO TRIPLEX for the treatment of unwanted fatty deposits.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia (with oral or intramuscular pain medications if needed).
323 653 7700
Los Angeles Calfornia
Category : Facelift / Tuliplift
Tuesday, April 2. 2019
Many patients and physicians are quite surprised to hear that a cutting / surgical facelift can be performed completely under local anesthesia. I have been practicing Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery since 1999. During this time I have performed hundreds of face, neck, eyelid, and body surgeries under local anesthesia. Mild sedation with oral valium and an injection of a pain killer (such as Demerol ) is all that is ever needed.
I have developed a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin AND tightening of the muscle (fascia and SMAS plication) that can be performed under local anesthesia. Some patients decide against having a facelift because of the risks associated with general anesthesia. Our trademarked Tuliplift procedure is performed without general anesthesia.
Here are the steps involved:
The skin is prepped in a sterile fashion in our operating room.
A dilute solutioon of numbing called "Klein Solution" is injected into the neck and face are
Excess fat is gently suctioned by hand (not a machine)
excess skin is marked off and removed from in front of the ears and behind the ears
SMAS / facial Muscle is tightened using permanent and dissolvable sutures
Skin is gently re-draped and sutured with dissolvable and semi-permanent sutures
sutures are removed 7-10 days later
2 weeks later the scars are reduced using Mixto fraction resurfacing
cost $15000-$25000
Category : Darker Skin
Tuesday, November 6. 2018
Chemical peels
I have 30 different laser and light sources but still use a variety of chemical peels at my office.
Some patients don’t respond well to lasers and have a better experience with chemical peels.
Chemical peels are generally speaking milder and more superficial than lasers.
The drawback is that here is no heat (as is the case with lasers) and not a drastic tightening.
On the other hand certain conditions such as Melasma do respond better to a series of less invasive chemical peels.
We offer:
Glycolic peels are mild and basically have little to no downtime.
TCA and Jessner peels are considered medium depth peels and help with fine lines, discolorations, and sun spots such as Actinic and Seberrhoic Keratosis. Phenol peels are rarely done these days. It can be toxic to the kidneys and the healing time can be several weeks.
Lasers are much more effective and safer than Penol Peels. The reason for this is that lasers have a very predictable and controlable depth of penetration.
I always ask my patients about history of cold sores. When performing a medium or deep peel the patient may need to be pre-medicated with an antiviral medication such as Acyclovir.
Chemical peels can be combined with other procedures such as laser or Ultrasound tightening and more. Finally; chemical peels can be very affordable. Glycolic peels are $150 and full face TCA peels of face, neck, chest with sedation are between $1000-$1500
Come in for a complimentary consultation to see if you are a good candidate.
Please click under procedures and Chemical peels and rteview our before and after photos.
Dr David Rahimi
323 653 7700
Category : Fat Transfer
Friday, November 2. 2018
One of the problems I have encountered is that inexperienced surgeons often use large cannulas to harvest fat. This, in turn, can cause large and unsightly indentations that can be very difficult to reverse.
In this case my patient saw a surgeon for fat grafting to the face. Fat was harvested from the lateral thighs and injected to the face. The facial fat was lumpy (that is a different story) but the area from which the fat was harvested become indented and saggy. Many years later she is still hesitant to put on a bathy suite or be intimate with her partner.
Two or more sessions may be needed but ultimately these defects can be fixed.
Please come in for a consultation and allow us to help you.
Dr David R.
323 653 7700