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Thursday, September 5. 2024


Dr. Rahimi earned his medical degree with distinction from George Washington University School of Medicine, completed his residency in dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center of New York and is Fellowship trained by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.




Certified by the American Board of Dermatology and a Diplomat of the American Board of Cosmetic surgery, Dr. David Rahimi specializes in minimally invasive procedures that look natural and quickly heal. 

He advanced the cosmetic facelift with the Tuliplift™, a patented procedure that is safer and more effective than a traditional facelift and can be performed under local anesthesia. 

He has also worked closely with medical pioneers such as Dr. Theodore Sutnick, MD who created Manual Epidermal Dermabrasion (MED), a gentler alternative to chemical peels and lasers.

Dr. Rahimi has presented his innovative surgical techniques in numerous published articles and industry conferences. He has received several awards in recognition of his skills, including the Walter F. Rosenberg award in dermatology and the William Newman award in pathology.

Dr. Rahimi also served as the co-director of Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship Program, a fellowship program which was approved by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. The program trained surgeons in the art and science of cosmetic and laser surgery, preparing them to become cosmetic surgeons.

In 2018 Dr. David Rahimi become one of the proud founding members of the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery. 

Dr Rahimi has appeared on the popular TV show “The Doctors” and been voted by “Newsweek” in 2022 to be on the TOP DERMATOLOGIST IN THE UNITED STATES”. He has also been consistently nominated as “Top Doctor” by Los Angeles Magazine.

Dr Rahimi also shares his work with more than 55000 followers on Instagram (handle: foreveryoungcosmeticsurgery) and has over 20000 followers on various platforms such as Facebook, Realself , Yelp and more.

In addition to Medicine and Dermatology Dr. Rahimi has also earned a Business Certificate from UCLA (2017-2018) and several 

“Leadership” and “Fintech” and Business Certificates from Harvard Business Online (2019-2024).

In addition to many research publications Dr Rahimi has authored 2 books:

“Please don’t Die Trying To Become Beautiful” published in 2009 

ISBN 978-0-557-32215-2

“Acne and Acne Surgery. A Comprehensive Approach”  

Published originally in 2015

Second edition 2021 ISBN 5-800109-870499

Dr. Rahimi lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children.


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