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Thursday, June 2. 2011


Melasma in Latin Americans

A recent article in the journal of Drugs and Dermatology by Maritza Perez, et al on Melasma causes and treatments was quite thorough. Although the cause of Melasma remains elusive (combination of genetic predisposition, hormone replacement, pregnancy, thyroid disorder, and sun exposure) better treatments are emerging.

Topical therapies include:

2%, 4%, 6%, 8% Hydroquinone cream

Retin A creams and gels

Differin Gel

Mild Corticosteroids (pulsed)

Azelaic Acid gels

Kojic Acids

Combination therapies of all of the above and SPF 50

Procedural approaches:

Glycolic peels (10%, 20%,30%,50%, 75%)

Beta Glycolic and Salicylic Acid peels

Microdermabrasion and O2 Facials

Lasers and Light Sources:

Photofacial (IPL)

CO2 Fractional Laser (Mixto Fraxel)

Erbium Fraxel (Alma laser)

MED (manual Epidermal Dermabrasions) -see list of procedures on this site


Treating Melasma is challenging and requires a lot of patience from

the patient and the practitioner.

Treatment packages of 5 treatments over 2-3 months start at $500.

Please see us for a complementary evaluation and an individualized treatment regimen.

A. David Rahimi,MD,FAAD,FAACS.


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