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Friday, July 8. 2011

Pure laser Face Lift? Is it Possible?

I was recently asked by a patient if she could have a pure laser lift? She did not want to have any scars and basically no “cutting” surgery. The answer is a definitive YES. The procedure needs to be individualized to the patient’s age and skin color/texture.

I use a combination of 4 modalities to achieve a pure laser lift. Here is how:

I use laser micro-liposuction to remove excess fat in the jowl and under the chin/neck.

This is followed by an aggressive Thermage CPT to tighten the eyelids/forehead/and cheeks.

Autologous fat is harvested from the abdomen or thighs and concentrated using the Coleman Centrifuge.  This viable micro fat grafts are then placed into the laugh lines and cheeks as needed.

Finally a fractionated CO2 laser (Mixto Laser) is used to remove sun damaged skin, brown spots and those vertical lines around the mouth and sides of the eyes! The skin basically shrinks back once the production of Collagen and Elastic fibers are stimulated.

The entire procedure is performed under local oral sedation and takes less than 2 hours.

Cost: $5000 to $9000 (includes OR fee, blood work, Garment, and laser /Surgeon’ fees)


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