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Tuesday, January 17. 2012

A new way to defy Aging; Clear and Brillinat Laser.

Ready to take control of the aging process?
Aging skin is a fact of life. The good news is the earlier you start taking care of your skin, the more you can prevent the signs of aging and maintain a younger look. What you do in your 20s and 30s will affect how you look in your 40s, 50s and beyond. Adding Clear + Brilliant to your collection of skin care tricks – at any age – will help you recover the glow, luminosity and smoothness your skin, and you, deserve.

Clear + Brilliant takes skin care to a whole new level.
This unique treatment expands skin care to not only address unwanted signs of aging, but gives you the power to help prevent them:
  • Visibly illuminated skin tone
  • Renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
  • Naturally radiant and glowing skin
  • Improved tone, texture and radiance
  • Reduction in the appearance of pores

Uncover your brilliance
  • Comfortable, fast, effective, affordable
  • Minimal downtime
  • Safe for all skin types

Treatments cost as little as $300 - with a purchase of a package of 4 (normally $400/treatment)

All skin types can take advantage of this laser: Asian, Hispanic, Middle eastern, Armenian and more...

All treatments performed by Dr. A. David Rahimi; experience counts. I have performed over 100000 laser

treatments in the past 12 years.


A. David Rahimi,Md,FAAD,FAACS.


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