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Thursday, March 29. 2012

Blue Face and Drinking Colloidal Silver (Argyria)-Treated with YAG Laser

We can treat this condition with a YAG laser.

Several treatments over 6 months are needed to achieve complete resolution; but the results are incredible.

A. David Rahimi,MD,FAAD.



For many years Paul Karason drank a solution known as colloidal silver, which is touted by many as being a cure all and remedy for just about any disease, illness or health problem there is. The problem is that colloidal silver does none of this, but it does cause a condition called argyria where the skin of users turn blue after ingesting this quack remedy.

There is no cure for argyria and Paul Karason will live the rest of his life with blue skin. Don't fall for the quacks and charlatans who promote colloidal silver as a "supplement" with health benefits. Contact the FDA today and ask them to ban this dangerous compound from human use.

More information on colloidal silver and argyria:


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