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Wednesday, April 4. 2012

Jennifer Aniston loves 'laser Porn"!!

Last month it was revealed Jennifer Aniston, recently voted the Hottest Woman Of All Time by Men's Health magazine, spends a staggering $400 a day on beauty treatments.

And the ex-"Friends" star admits she has an obsession with keeping the years at bay, The Sun reports.

“I’d love to be a dermatologist. I’d be so obsessive about it," she said. "I’m fascinated by skin, products and lasers. I go on the internet and read all about it. I call it ‘laser porn’.”

Despite her keen interest, Aniston admits she wasn’t looking her best when Men’s Health made the announcement.

PHOTOS: Jen's pregnancy rumors.

“You should have seen me when I heard that news,” she said. "My hair was greasy, I’d just had a facial and my skin was gross.”

However Jen, who is in a relationship with actor Justin Theroux, admits she still doesn’t feel her 43-years.

“I don’t feel my age. I feel young every day," she said. “I feel sexy wearing jeans and my boyfriend’s T-shirt.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/04/04/jen-aniston-into-laser-porn-obsessed-with-staying-young/?intcmp=features#ixzz1r6BCjcFE


Last month it was revealed Jennifer Aniston, recently voted the Hottest Woman Of All Time by Men's Health magazine, spends a staggering $400 a day on beauty treatments.

And the ex-"Friends" star admits she has an obsession with keeping the years at bay, The Sun reports.

“I’d love to be a dermatologist. I’d be so obsessive about it," she said. "I’m fascinated by skin, products and lasers. I go on the internet and read all about it. I call it ‘laser porn’.”

Despite her keen interest, Aniston admits she wasn’t looking her best when Men’s Health made the announcement.

PHOTOS: Jen's pregnancy rumors.

“You should have seen me when I heard that news,” she said. "My hair was greasy, I’d just had a facial and my skin was gross.”

However Jen, who is in a relationship with actor Justin Theroux, admits she still doesn’t feel her 43-years.

“I don’t feel my age. I feel young every day," she said. “I feel sexy wearing jeans and my boyfriend’s T-shirt.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/04/04/jen-aniston-into-laser-porn-obsessed-with-staying-young/?intcmp=features#ixzz1r6BCjcFE


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