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Category : Non Surgical Lifts

Tuesday, August 21. 2012

Cosmetic Surgery during Summer months

Summer Is the Best Time for Fillers and Injectable Treatments to Restore Volume


Summer is the ideal time to rejuvenate the face with injectable treatments, as little to no recovery time is needed


By Forever Young, Inc.




There are a number of fillers and laser procedures that are ideal for the summer months. They require no or little downtime and result in immediate improvement.  


Belotero: New Hyaluronic acid filler for fine lines around the mouth and sagging eyes. Juvederm Ultra Plus XC- Long lasting filler with little to no downtime. I have seen this filler last for over 2 years! Restylane L: Perfect for fine lines and scars Radiesse: Long lasting filler to augment cheekbones and the chin. I also use this filler to fill the back of the hands.  Also read about Ulthera (Ultherapy) – Ultrasound face, neck and eye lift. This can be performed in the office in as little as one hour with immediate results that improve over 6 months. The results last for several years. Finally: Clear and Brilliant laser- This fractional laser can be performed on any skin type and has only a one day downtime. Redness resolves in a few hours and there is practically no after care.


Read more about us at










A. David Rahimi,M.D.,F.A.A.D.,F.A.A.C.S.


































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