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Category : Non Surgical Lifts

Wednesday, September 12. 2012

Ultherapy in the News: Wall Street Journal

A recent article in Wall Street Journal compares various non-surgical ways to lift the skin.

Ultherapy is determined to be the most effective of all of these modalities.

Here is the abstract of the article. I will contact WSJ to see if I am allowed to post the entire article.

Fighting Wrinkles With Heat



September 10, 2012, 6:48 p.m. ET


Fighting Wrinkles With Heat




For people looking to combat wrinkles and sagging skin resulting from sun damage, smoking and the ravages of time, some doctors are offering an increasingly popular treatment: Just apply heat.


The treatments involve machines that heat the tissue using radio-frequency or ultrasound energy. The heat they generate stimulates the growth of collagen, a fibrous protein important in maintaining the face's youthful look, physicians say. A growing menu of options include a treatment that uses 10 tiny needles to deliver the energy; one that feels like a hot-stone massage; and another that applies extreme heat for an effective, though painful, lifting.










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