It isn’t always easy being beautiful, and some women–ahem, some Women’s Health Facebook fans–go to great lengths to enhance what their mamas gave ‘me.
In fact, when we asked our fans to share their weirdest beauty tricks, they told us about putting coconut oil in their hair, witch hazel under their eyes, showering in ice-cold water, applying aspirin face masks and slathering lip balm on their bikini lines
Not surprisingly, we thought some of these tips sounded crazy…until we asked Women’s Health natural beauty expert Renée Loux to reveal whether they actually work. This week, we cross our fingers to find out: Do coffee grinds smooth away cellulite?
Renée’s verdict: This treatment can be moderately effective.
Try using fresh ground coffee to maximize the benefits, as it has more antioxidants and caffeine than used coffee grounds.
Try this coffee-grind cocktail: Mix 1/4 cup ground coffee with 3 tablespoons hot water and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes to absorb the water and form a paste.
Then, mix in 2 tablespoons of olive oil to help bind the grinds. (This will make it easier to spread on, and offer extra moisturizing effects.) Cleanse problem areas in a warm shower, then turn off the water and apply the scrub by massaging in a circular motion for two to four minutes with your hands or a washcloth.
Rinse with warm water to remove all grounds, then pat dry and moisturize if desired.
How it works: The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are moderately effective to mitigate the appearance of cellulite in the short term. As a stimulant, the caffeine in coffee dilates blood vessels, which temporarily tones and tightens tissue. Plus, it increases circulation and reduces water retention, both of which may also help smooth the rumpled look of cellulite. The antioxidants in coffee may help to release toxins, which is not only helpful for cellulite, but for healthy skin in general.
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