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Category : Ulthera

Wednesday, October 17. 2012

Ultherapy on Good Morning America

Ultherapy on Good Morning America!
On Monday, Ultherapy was featured on Good Morning America (GMA)! New Jersey's Dr. William Song and his reality star patient, Jacqueline Laurita, were interviewed about the procedure in the recurring segment, "Wrinkle Rehab."
The segment did a great job touting how Ultherapy fits into Jacqueline's beauty routine that combines "old school wisdom and the cutting edge of cosmetic breakthroughs." It also hit upon some of the treatment's key benefits, including that it's non-surgical, has no downtime and offers noticeable results.
You'll notice that there weren't any mentions of pain in the segment. In advance of the air date, we were able to educate the GMA producers about the new Ultherapy Amplify treatment update to improve comfort. This may or may not have played a role in GMA's decision to not talk about how the treatment feels, but we hope the Amplify update coupled with this great media coverage will help spark even more interest in the treatment in your practice!

Watch the Segment!

The clip from the show is now available in the Customer Portal. You can also check it out on our YouTube Channel.



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