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Category : Ulthera

Saturday, November 10. 2012

Ultherapy seems to help deep acne scars.

Over the last few months have noticed a very interesting phenomenon. I have been treating several patients with deep acne scarring (atrophic and box-car type acne scarring) with Ultherapy. These were patients who had sun damage and actinic damage and were doing the Ultherapy to get a face and neck lift. I am hearing from all of them that their acne scars have significantly improved as well.


I will start an in-formal study and treat several patients who suffer from deep acne scars with Ultherapy alone and with a combination of Ultherapy and Mixto fractional CO 2 laser and report back to you.


This could be a promising adjunctive therapy for people suffering from extensive acne scarring.









A. David Rahimi,MD,FAAD,FAACS





I am a recent patient of Dr.Rahimi. He really did miracles on my severe acne conditions! I so recommend him.


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