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Category : General Advice

Thursday, November 29. 2012

50 is the new 40!

People live well into their 80s and 90s and are active and productive too!


I believe in balanced diet that includes fat, chocolate, greasy foods as well as pro-biotic yoghurt and salads. Everything in moderation. Top it off with a little exercise and common sense (don’t text while driving) and with some luck one can live a long and healthy life.


We, at Forever Young, Inc, will do the rest and make you look 10 to 15 years younger:


Check out our Holiday specials and read about our affordable non-invasive procedures:


Ultherapy (Ulthera face and Neck/Eye lift)


Coolsculpting (Freeze away unwanted fat)


Cooltouch laser (Acne and Acne scarring)


Cool-lipo (laser liposuction to remove unwanted inches and tighten the skin)


Clear and Brilliant Laser


Permea Laser


IPL Photofacial


Diolite Laser for brown spots and blood vessels


Thermage (Thermacool) CPT


This is only a sample of the 15 laser and Light sources we offer)









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