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Category : General Advice

Thursday, February 21. 2013

Pearly Penile Papules (PPP)

I have been practicing dermatology and Cosmetic surgery since 1994. Several times a month  I see a young man in my office for evaluation of penile lesions. You can see the pain in their eyes. Most have benign growth or warts. Some have this lesser known condition called Pearly penile Papules (PPP).


Most of these patients complain of spots on the penis that have been there for a long time and are now becoming bothersome. Some of my patients are not aware of the benign nature of PPP and believe that they have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. Other patients are aware of the diagnosis but have been told again and again that there is no cure and nothing that can be done for them.


PPP can actually be treated with a combination of surgery and CO2 laser. The white bumps of skin aligning around the corona of the penis are removed using sterile instruments. The base of the lesions are then treated using a fractionated CO2 laser. Scarring is minimal and downtime is 3 to 5 days. This is all done under local anesthesia with or without light oral sedation.


Please e mail me and I can send you “before” and ‘after” photographs of patients who had their PPP successfully treated by me.


Don’t permit a benign Cosmetic condition ruin your sex and social life.







Dr. David R.










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