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Category : Acne Scarring Treatments

Tuesday, June 3. 2014

Acne Scarring? CO2 laser and Radiofrequency combination works better-here is the study


CO2 laser with radiofrequency offers more effective acne scar treatment


Cameli N. Dermatol Surg. 2014;40(5):553-561.


  • May 22, 2014

CO2 laser plus radiofrequency was found to be more effective in the treatment of acne scars than traditional CO2 laser alone, according to researchers.

The treatment including radiofrequency also required fewer sessions and resulted in fewer side effects.

Ten patients (7 female, 3 male) with either clinical photoaging symptoms or acne scars were included in the study. Patients’ mean age was 39.2 years.

All patients were treated in a single session using both CO2 laser plus radiofrequency and CO2 laser alone. The investigators took digital photographs, dermatoscopy and in vivo reflective confocal microscopy before and immediately after treatment, and at 1 week and 3 months after treatment.

By 3-month follow-up, clinical improvement was seen in patients with boxcar and rolling acne scars, according to the researchers. In patients treated with CO2 laser plus radiofrequency, 50% categorized their results as excellent, 50% were categorized as good, and none were considered sufficient. In those treated with CO2 laser alone, results were classified as excellent in 30% of cases, good in 40% and sufficient in 30%.


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