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Category : Acne Scarring Treatments

Thursday, October 1. 2015

What is the best laser for the treatment of Acne Scarring?

A question I am often asked by patients relates to the efficacy of specific procedures for the elimination of acne scars. The answer is invariably disappointing to them: No one procedure is capable of complete removal of all types of Acne scarring.

Patients often come in and ask for Micro-needling or Subcision or a certain laser to “eliminate” their acne scars.

I spend a substantial portion of my consultation explaining the difference between ice-pick scars, rolling scars, atrophic scars or box-car scars. I then proceed to explain the difference between fillers, lasers and tightening procedure.

Often times a combination of these modalities are needed to improve acne scars.

Deep atrophic scars need to be filled in.

Ice pick scars may need to be excised.

Rolling and Box-car scars need a combination of Subcision and Co2 laser.

My goal is to educate my patient and chose the best and most effective procedure combination for them.

I also make sure that their expectations are realistic. Most patients get 25-30% improvement with one combination treatment.

A second or even third treatment may be needed for even better results.

I recently published a book which discusses my approach and philosophy.




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