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Category : Acne Scarring Treatments

Thursday, October 29. 2015

Acne Scarring in Asian Patients : China Korea

How to treat Asian skin with Acne Scarring:

Patients with Asian skin have more delicate skin and require a different approach when it comes to acne scar removal.

Mixto fractional Co2 laser is a fractionated CO2 laser that can be safely used in darker skin types. We still prefer to prep the skin for 10-14 days with a combination of Retin-A cream and Hydroquinone. Laser setting are generally milder for patient with darker or more delicate skin.

In addition to lasers these are a few of the other options available when it comes to treating Asian Acne scarring:

Venus Viva

Venus Viva was FDA approved I the united states in 2015.

The device has 2 hand-pieces; the Diamond hand piece is non ablative and tightens the skin without any downtime. In fact it does not break the skin and clients can return to work immediately. Several sessions are needed.

The second hand piece is the nano-fractional ablative Radiofrequency. Tiny prongs/needles actually penetrate the skin and release radiofrequency energy under the skin (in the dermis). This is where the actually scarring is. There is 2-3 days of redness and occasional peeling.

1-2 sessions over 4 weeks are needed to get significant improvement.

Please watch the video below and call us for a complimentary consultation:


A. David Rahimi,MD,FAAD,FAACS


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