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Category : General Advice

Saturday, December 8. 2007

Proper Nutrition for Healthy Skin

Proper nutrition - everyone knows it's essential to health - here are some of the best foods for healthy skin. Keep in mind that when your diet is missing certain foods for healthy skin, other, even more serious skin problems can result. So as you are planning menus or when you’re browsing a holiday buffet table - choose some of these foods:

Dairy - The most important components of skin health is vitamin A and the best place to get it is low-fat dairy products. If you have either diabetes or a thyroid condition it's doubly important to eat A-rich dairy foods – these conditions inhibit the conversion of beta carotene found in other foods like carrots – to vitamin A.

Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums – these four foods weighed in with the highest "total antioxidant capacity" of any food. The antioxidants and other phytochemicals in these fruits can protect the cell from damage. Others include artichokes, beans (black, red, and pinto), prunes, and pecans.

Salmon, Walnuts, Canola Oil, and Flax Seed - These foods deliver essential fatty acids responsible for healthy cell membranes, which not only act as barriers to harmful things but also as the passageway for nutrients to cross in and for waste products to get out. The stronger the barrier the better your cells can hold moisture – and that means plumper, younger looking skin.

Whole-wheat bread, muffins, and cereals; turkey, tuna and brazil nuts - These foods contain high levels of selenium which plays a key role in the health of skin cells. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.
And of course plenty of water!


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