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Thursday, November 3. 2016

Venus Viva Acne Scar Treatment

Venus Viva Acne Scar Treatment

Venus Viva and fillers such as Sculptra and Juvederm

Venus Viva™ is a revolutionary, fully customizable FDA cleared solution for facial remodeling and resurfacing. Delivering impressive efficacy through combining NanoFractional Radio Frequency™ (RF) and one-of-a-kind SmartScan™ technology, Venus Viva is the first system that allows you to manually control ablation and coagulation for enhanced treatment efficiency.

The benefits to the Patient are:

  • Largest variable treatment area in the industry
  • Superior RF depth penetration
  • Consistent selectional dermal heating
  • Controlled coagulation and ablation ability
  • Portability and ease of use
  • Immediate and long term results
  • Increased treatment options with multi-applicators

Venus Concept is once again setting new industry standards in device innovation and treatment methods for facial rejuvenation.

Please call us for a free consultation

323 653 7700

Dr David R.


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