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Category : Acne Scarring Treatments

Friday, November 11. 2016


One of the most important lessons I have learned after treating Acne and Acne scarring over the past 20 years is as follows:

No single treatment works for everyone.

Acne has many causes including hormonal, bacterial and genetic components.

Acne scars also come in a variety of form and shapes: icepick, box-car (a misnomer), atrophic, rolling are just a few examples.

My approach has always been to reduce or cure acne and attack the scars using a variety of treatment modalities.

My center offer 30 variety of laser, light sources, ultrasound, and radiofrequency devices to improve acne scarring.


I am sure why it works; but it does.

Please e mail me and I will send you a free PDF copy of my book on Acne and Acne scarring.

Features & Benefits

  • Superior: Optimal platelet recovery 90% ± 10%
  • Safe: High-tech gel designed for safe and consistent preparation
  • Fast: Centrifuge with a single spin in a matter of minutes
  • Convenient Procedure: Takes less than 30 minutes
  • Patient Friendly: Small volume of blood required
  • Customized Concentration: Yield various volumes and concentration levels to meet patient and procedure needs
  • Consistent Platelet Concentration: Allowing for predictable performance
  • No Foreign Components: Virtually eliminates the risk of adverse reactions
  • FDA Clearance: 510(k) number: BK110035




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