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Category : New Treatments

Tuesday, November 15. 2016

Men are asking: Is Kybella worth it? Is it right for me?

Kybella for the treatment of excess fat under the chin and neck is becoming more and more popular.

The fact is that men in 2016 have several options to improve their jawline and contour their neck. In fact, 73 percent of people say they don’t like the extra fat under their chin and neck, according to a survey by the American Society of Dermatological Surgery found.

Here are the surgical and non-surgical options:

Smartlipo Triplex uses 3 different wavelengths and a laser to gently remove excess fat and tighten the skin from within. This procedure is invasive but can be performed under local anesthesia and leaves practically no scarring. Downtime is 3-5 days and cost varies between $2500-$5000

Some patients are against anything invasive. We also offer them a combination treatment with kybella and Ultherapy.

Kybella gradually melts excess neck fat over a few weeks and may even results in a little tightening of the skin. Subsequently any residual loose skin is tightened with either Ultherapy, Pelleve, Venus Viva, or Thermage CPT.

All these devices are offered at Forever Young Inc. and performed under light sedation for maximum efficacy and minimum pain and downtime.

Kybella treatments have 2-3 days of down time and cost $750-$1500

Ultherapy of face, neck, eyes performed by Dr. David Rahimi is $3500

We offer packages and free 6 month care credit financing

Please visit out website for more information and “before and after” photographs



Thank you

A. David Rahimi, MD,FAAD,FAACS.


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