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Tuesday, November 14. 2017

Thermi vs. Ultherapy, vs. Pelleve, vs. Thermage CPT -Which one is better?

I am often asked to explain the differences between these 4 main non-surgical technologies.

Educated patients are often confused after reading about all the possible options. Which one is better is a complicated question and requires a little bit of explanation.

Allow me to ask you a question before delving into explaining the 4 modalities (5 if you want to include venus Viva).

Which medication is stronger for a headache; Tylenol or Advil or Excedrin? The answer is that some patients respond better to Tylenol and others have a more immediate response with Advil.

This is Dr. David Rahimi's 20th year practicing Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology and our center own 30 different laser and light sources. We have it and perform it If it works well and is safe.

Ultherapy and Thermage CPT work on a deeper layers and are more aggressive. Fewer sessions are needed and results are usually more impressive and long lasting. Venus Viva, Pelleve and Thermi are usually more conservative but require more sessions.

Choose a board certified Dermatologist with experience and after a face to face interview he or she can tell you which one is best suited for you.

Consultations are complimentary and we offer Saturday appointments and procedures.

Look your best self; not someone else

Come in and get treated by Dr. David Rahimi

He was recently voted Top Doctor 2018 and Super Doctor 2018 by his colleagues

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Zonya Villatoro-office manager


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