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Category : General Advice, : Post-Operative Period

Saturday, January 12. 2008

Advice I Would Give Family, Friends, and My Patients

If it sounds too good to be true, It is.
Stay away from claims that sound impossible; ask to see the scientific papers supporting the claims. Ther is no such thing as a no-down time procedure, or scarless surgery, etc...

Plastic surgery can change your appearance, it probably won't change your life.
Make sure you do the procedure for yourself and not someone else.

Never make a hasty decision.
Do not allow the doctor or his staff push you into surgery. If you're grieving or facing another life crisis such as divorce, postpone decision on surgery.

Make sure you have realistic expectations.
Be wary if a doctor does not review possible complications and alternatives to the surgery with you.

Your doctor should always have time to discuss your concers and answer your questions. Period.

Ask to talk to patients who have had the same procedure recently.

Finally, make sure you feel comfortable with the doctor and the staff.
Complications such as infection and bleeding do happen, even in the best of hands. What sets an ordinary surgeon apart from a great one, is how these complications are treated and handled.


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