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Category : Non Surgical Lifts

Thursday, October 11. 2018

Forever Young "Super" Ultherapy (Ulthera)

Many patients in their 50s and 60s want a facelift but are not ready for a cutting procedure. We have 5 modalities to tighten and lift the face without cutting. We offer Ultherapy, Thermage CPT, Pelleve, Thermi and  Venus Viva Radiofrequency treatments. Each of these procedures has its own benefit and drawbacks. Some need to be repeated 5 times for a visible and long lasting result.  Others only need to be performed once but are quite uncomfortable.

We often combine procedures such as Ultherapy with a cold laser or Mixto fractional Co2 laser for an even better result. We call it a "Super Ulthera" treatment.

All invasive procedures are performed personally by me.

My 20 year clinical experience as a Dermatologist and Surgeon allows you to get the best possible outcome in a safe and clean environment.

Please e mail me photos and we can tell you if you are a good candidate with “Forever Young  Super Ultherapy”


323 653-7700


Dr. David Rahimi


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