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Category : New Treatments

Friday, November 2. 2018

Eyebrow lift without cutting surgery: laser, Botox, Ultherapy, Thermacool, Radiesse, Juvederm Volluma and Vollure

There are several modalities to lift up the eyebrows. Surgical techniques work well but involve cutting, possible scarring and downtime. Non-surgical modalities such as Ultherapy and Thermacool CPT help raise up eyebrows without cutting surgery. The results look natural but only last for a year or two. Another option to elevate eyebrows without cutting surgery is Botox. Judicious placement of about 50 units of Botox in the forehead and around the eyes can elevate eyebrows several millimeters. Again; the drawback is that the results only last about 4 months.

Finally, one of my favorite ways to raise eyebrows and restore balance to the face is to inject long lasting fillers into the temple and lateral forehead area. Results are immediate and can last for several years. 

One of the sign of aging is hollowness in the temple area. This can lower eyebrows and cause a hollow or skeletonized look.  1-2 Syringes of a filler such as Radiesse, Bellafill, Juvederm Volluma or Juvederm Vollure can make a significant difference.

Please come in for a complimentary consultation. Bring photos from 5 or even 10 years ago and let’s talk about making you look younger without cutting surgery.


Dr. David Rahimi, MD,FAAD, FAACS

323 653 7700




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