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Category : New Treatments, : Procedures, : Thermage / ThermaCool

Monday, January 28. 2008

Thermage / Thermacool Lifts are Operator Dependent

Who performs the procedures does make a difference...

Sometimes during the consulation my patients tell me that they had Thermage several years ago with little visible improvement. Upon further questioning it becomes clear that the procedure was not performed by a Board Certified Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon. These non-surgical lifts can be performed by nurses and nurse practitioners. Generally speaking these non-MDs are more conservative and results are less consistent.

At Forever Young the Thermacool/Thermage procedure is performed by Dr. A. David Rahimi and with the aid of mild sedation.

In fact, we sit our patients up half-way during the procedure and show them the immediate tightening of the skin. The third generation hand pieces and the new upgraded machine are better than ever.


How significant is the improvement of Thermage with the average 50 year-old patient? It did absolutely nothing for me 5 years ago. Are you able to e-mail me 3 or so photos of the doctor's work plus some prices? Thank you.

Dear patient,
"Themage" is operator dependent.
I perform the treatment under mild sedation (it is painful, as you know). I do 3 to 4 passes all over the face, neck, jowl and eye areas. Then additional passes as needed.

We have the newest unit (2007 upgrade) and the STC, 3-cm2 tips.

I also often combine my treatments with fillers in the nasolabial folds and, chemical peels, lasers and occasional liposuction of the neck and jowls.

Price: Full face/neck for the Thermage is normally $3600. Our current special is $2400. This includes the sedation.

I will be happy to show you patient photographs during the consultation. The results are subtle.

I hope this is helpful.
dr david rahimi

Dear Dr.
I would like to have fat injected in my lips. How does the physician
prevent formation of lumpiness. Does all the fat reabsorb over time? Thank you.

Dear patient,

To ensure that the fat stays I harvest it from the lateral thigh and abdominal areas. This fat is more fibrous and can potentially stay longer.
The fat is spun to concentrate it and injected with a small blunt- tipped needle in multiple planes. The small droplet technique allows a better distribution and reduces the risk of lumpiness.
Generally speking about 20 to 30 percent of the fat stays every time this procedure is performed. This procedure is repeated a few times over 12-24 months to get the desired results.
Cost: $1500 to $2400 for 3 sessions. This includes light oral sedation.
Plese feel free to come in for a free consultation.
dr david rahimi

Dear Dr. I have two questions.

- How long the results of the Thermage procedure last?
- From your experience, would the final result be more pronounced for someone in her late 30s or an older person?

Thanks, Sonya.

Dear Sonya,
Thermage results have lasted for several years. My best estimate would be that significant results can last for 3-5 years. Patients' age per se does not make a difference in the final results. Patients with skin laxity who are not significantly over weight do best. Remember, Thermage by itself does not melt fat; it only tightens the skin. That's why I sometimes combine it with liposuction of the neck and jowl area.
I hope this was helpful.
Dr Rahimi


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