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Category : Acne Scarring Treatments

Friday, May 10. 2019

Announcing a NEW TECHNIQUE for the treatment of Rolling and Box Car Acne Scarring

I have developed a new technique I call : “Subtunneling” to treat deep strophic acne scars.
I learned Subcision from its inventor Dr. Orentreich in 1997.
This was during my Dermatology Residency at Mount Sinai Medical center in NY.
Later I learned Acne scarring treatments such as lasers and dermabrasion from the co-developer
of Retin A Dr James Fulton In 1999.
I am proud and honored to make a small contribution to
this field with this new and innovative technique. 
Subtunneling involves using various gauge needles (20 gauge, 18 gauge, 16 gauge) at various
depths in the skin ( intra-dermal, deep dermal etc) to make small tunnels
using the bevel of the needle for the placement of fillers such as Sculptra and Bellafill.
This techniques allows the treatment of deep rolling and boxcar scarring with minimal downtime. 
Call us for more information or come in for a complementary consultation.
323 653-7700
#acne #acnescar #acnescarring #dermabrasion #laserresurfacing #mixto Xfraxel #fatgrafting #fillers #wow #foreveryoung


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