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Wednesday, October 30. 2019

Don't allow your "hollow temples" give away your age! Radiesse, Juvederm or Bellafill can fix this.

What causes aging of the facial skin?

There are many component to aging such as deepening of the naso-labial folds, jowl formation and hollowness in the temple area.

Hollowness in the temple area is very common.

It can have many causes including genetics, weight-loss, stess and more.

As the temple area becomes hollow the lateral eyebrow also droops and

the entire eye region appears small and crowded.

Fillers such as Radiesse, Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Vollure and Bellafill

can be used to fill in the hollowness in the temple region.

The treatment takes only a few minutes and requires no downtime.

Please call us and schedule a complimentary consultation.

323 653-7700

Dr David Rahimi, MD,FAAD




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