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Category : General Advice, : New Treatments

Saturday, March 8. 2008

Acne.org - Can Benzoyl Peroxide Cure Acne?

Recently, I was interviewed by an LA Times reporter about Acne.org. I was asked if I believed that large quantities of Benzoyl peroxide, applied topically can controll/cure acne in almost every one.

My response was that "I am very skeptical" and "It is silly to believe that Acne can be cured with Benzoyl peroxide alone." Acne is a complex condition with many different causes. It can be a normal component of puberty or part of a debilitating condition such as Poly Cystic Ovarian disease or Acne Fulminans.

Basically a 30-minute interview that included explanations about the hormonal aspects of acne, the environmental component, infectious and bacterial component, the more than 200 available medications and classes etc. was reduced to and quoted as " It's silly..."

I went further and asked the reporter to include that proper double blind, placebo controlled, cross over studies are needed to scientifically show that Benzoyl Peroxide can do that. Why don't the Acne.org people perform those studies? If that can be shown, I will be happy to switch ALL my patients to that regimen.

But once again, all my thoughts and responses were reduced to "It's silly..."

I hope these explanations set the record straight.

Dr. David Rahimi



I am glad to read this. My dermatologist has been given me topical cream that contains Benzoyl peroxide and it dries out my skin severly. I also have hormonal issues which may explain my acne at my middle age. I wished I was closer so I could have a consultaton. It sure is silly not to take in consideration all these other factors.


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