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Thursday, September 5. 2024

Going Abroad To Have Cosmetic Surgery; What Can Go Wrong?

Think twice before going abroad for cosmetic surgery. You may get away with it but is the risk worth it?

In recent years, the trend of traveling to foreign countries such as Turkey or Colombia for cosmetic surgery has gained significant momentum. The allure of lower costs and the promise of transformative results attract many patients to these destinations. However, the decision to undergo surgery abroad carries substantial risks that can jeopardize one's health and well-being. As a medical professional, I strongly discourage my patients from seeking cosmetic procedures in unfamiliar foreign settings, despite the potential cost savings.

The primary motivation for patients opting for cosmetic surgery abroad is the lower cost. Procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and facelifts can be significantly cheaper in countries with lower medical expenses and living costs. While this financial incentive is compelling, it is essential to consider the hidden costs and potential dangers associated with such decisions.

One of the most significant risks of undergoing cosmetic surgery abroad is the lack of familiarity with the doctors performing the procedures. Patients often choose foreign clinics based on online reviews or recommendations without thoroughly verifying the credentials, experience, and reputation of the surgeons. This lack of due diligence can lead to selecting a practitioner who may not be adequately qualified or experienced, increasing the likelihood of complications.

Moreover, the standards of medical practice and facility regulations can vary widely between countries. While many clinics abroad operate with high standards, some may not adhere to the same rigorous safety and hygiene protocols required in the United States. This discrepancy can result in a higher risk of infections, poor surgical outcomes, and other complications.

Statistics indicate that while the majority of patients who undergo cosmetic surgery abroad may achieve satisfactory results, a notable percentage experience severe complication. Reports suggest that complications can affect anywhere from a few percent to as high as 25% of patients. These complications can range from minor issues, such as dissatisfaction with the results, to severe problems, including infections, excessive scarring, and even life-threatening conditions.

One of the most troubling aspects of complications arising from surgery abroad is the difficulty in obtaining follow-up care. Once patients return to the United States, they may find it challenging to contact their foreign surgeons for advice or assistance. In many cases, patients may need to travel back to the country where the surgery was performed to address complications, incurring additional costs and stress. Furthermore, U.S.-based doctors may be reluctant or unable to provide corrective treatments due to legal and ethical concerns, leaving patients in a precarious position.



The emotional and psychological toll of dealing with complications from cosmetic surgery abroad cannot be understated. Patients who experience unsatisfactory results or health issues may suffer from anxiety, depression, and a diminished quality of life. The initial cost savings can quickly be overshadowed by the financial, physical, and emotional burdens associated with corrective treatments and prolonged recovery periods.


In conclusion, while the prospect of lower costs for cosmetic surgery abroad may be tempting, the potential risks and complications far outweigh the financial benefits. As a medical professional, I strongly advise my patients to prioritize their health and safety by seeking procedures from reputable, board-certified surgeons within their own country. By doing so, they can ensure access to high standards of care, thorough follow-up, and immediate assistance in the event of complications. The peace of mind and assurance of quality care are invaluable, and no cost savings can justify compromising one's health and well-being.

Over the past decade I have treated and corrected many sub-par cosmetic surgery performed abroad. As mentioned previously; even in the best of hands occasionally cosmetic surgery results in complications such as infections, bleeding, wound opening and more. It is always better to be geographically close to your surgeon who can fix these complications.



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