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Category : General Advice

Wednesday, May 28. 2008

Consultations – It Really Is All About You

Being prepared to learn more about yourself – not some case study in a magazine is not only enlightening but it’s the way we tailor the treatment to you. The reason so many procedures exist is because individuals pose challenges to doctors precisely because each face is unique – truly unique.  Part of my philosophy as well as training includes the ability to look for all those unique markers and match them to the latest innovations in treatment.

It’s like an endlessly fascinating puzzle figuring out exactly what each of my patients needs and could benefit from.  It’s also a balancing act deciding which new treatments will be able to live up to the hype that surrounds all emerging techniques and technologies.  Sometimes older procedures are the best answer, but whatever the treatment choices, they are always an individual approach. 

My patients learn about their own structure and proportions and from their standpoint it helps them make better choices in other ways – skin treatments and cosmetics better suited to them – hair styles more appropriate to their shape of face.  While I certainly don’t consult with them on stylistic issues – when they understand their own qualities better – they seek out the answers for themselves.  Sometimes a consultation is more than a consultation.


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