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Category : General Advice

Thursday, November 5. 2009

The Inside Scoop

One thing you can say about the entire subject of self improvement is that there is certainly no lack of options – but sometimes that becomes a problem on its own.  With so many choices – each one claiming to be the best, it’s hard for patients to know who to believe.  Obviously, your trust in your doctor is the important key to finding out the real truth – the inside scoop, yet there is a tendency to be swayed by media – both print and TV.  When celebrities undergo a treatment and it’s subsequently splashed in the media it seems to carry its own validation...

My attitude has always been to listen to what new information my patients may bring me and then investigate from a more critical standpoint.  There are certain things that simply cannot be true – because they defy the laws of body/skin physics and others are seemingly based on the logic of the body, but ultimately collapse in practice.  Think about all the cellulite treatments you’ve ever heard about and you’ll get the picture.

Rest assured that in my practice you are getting all the latest medical advice available and that there is constant critical appraisal going on about all new procedures.  The media is driven by a need to provide new information and while it’s good to know clinical trials are very promising – the "latest" may be years from implementation.  When something is proven to be safe and effective – we will make it available.  It’s as simple as that – and that's the real inside scoop. <br>

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