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Thursday, February 4. 2010

The Truth About Aging Skin.

The truth about aging of the skin is that both nature and nurture play a role. Everyone agrees on that! So, whats the contraversy?

Here is the real question: To what degree is the aging of the skin ingrained in our genes and what is the role of the environment we live in.

Well; its complicated (like most worthwhile things in life)...

Here are some facts; you decide.

I believe that nature sets the limit and the environment allows us to decide the "health" of our skin. Please allow me to explain. An analogy would be intelligence. Genetically we have an upper limit of what we can achieve. Great teachers and good role models can allow us to achieve our greatest potential.

Some families just have less than perfect skin. It ages quickly, sags easily and is just less than perfect. Other families have great skin. I have patients that never use a toner, astringent, or a moisturizer and still have great skin.

So we all have an inate ability and limits and need to learn to make the best of it.

It is important to sit down and ask yourself what creams, pills, climates etc., agree with your skin. This is a process that I perform with my new patients. We try to figure out what works or has worked in the past for THEM.

I also believe that different remedies and modalities have an additive effect. A little Vitamin A once a week helps tighten the pores. Topical Vitamin C promtes Collagen synthesis. A scrub with a mild Benzoyl Peroxide formulation decreases the bacterial count on the skin. Together they work even better.

Spend the time with your dermatologist or aesthetician to figure out what works for you. Stick with a regimen for 4 weeks before giving up. It sometimes takes a little time for the skin to get used to  new regimen. If your skin is not better; try something else.

I hope this was helpful and Hope to see you soon at Foreveryoung for a complimentary skin evaluation.

Dr. A. David Rahimi



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