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Thursday, February 4. 2010

Acne scarring in darker skin complexion; YES we treat that.

Many patients with a darker skin complexion (Hispanic, Asian, African American, Armenian, Middle Eastern) are told that they have to simply live with their acne scarring and that nothing will help them.

There is hope and We can help...


I have over 14 years of clinical experience treating "Ethnic" skin. My experince in Washington, D.C., New York, and Los Angeles has allowed me to develop an expertise in this field.

Acne scarring can be safely treated. There are both invasive surgical approaches and non-surgical approaches when it come to acne scarring.

Surgical: CO2 laser resurfacng, Fraxel, Dermabrasion

These are last resort options but can be performed in most patients. the key is to prep the skin properly and know your limits.

Non-surgical options are much more realistic and popular in my office:

I usually use a combination therapy to achieve the best possible results.

  • Subsicion is used to release deep scarring and promote autologous collagen synthesis.
  • Light to medium depth chemical peels even the color and promote collagen synthesis. They won't cure deep scars but can help with more shallow scars.
  • Needling is used for really deep scars in sensitive areas: read more about it on my menu of service section
  • Cooltouch laser can be used to skip the skin and promote collagen synthesis under the skin. 5 to 7 teatments over several months segnificantly improve scarring with no downtime.
  • Fat, Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm and Radiesse can be placed in deep rolling scars to improve their appearence
  • Punch excision: really deep "holes" are simply removed and sutured. The resulting flat scar can subsequently be lasered and erased.

Choose an experinced surgeon to treat your skin. Look at many before and after photos and ask to speak to patients who have had similar procedures in the recent past.

Feel comfortable with your doctor.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD


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