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Monday, February 15. 2010

Is there a way to get rid of those deep vertical lines on my Chest?

The skin on the chest and the back of the hands are an often neglected and can give away your age. Until very recently the number of options to treat the chest and back of the hands were very limited. Now there is renewed hope….


I have devoted an entire section on my website to the rejuvenation of hands:

Age spots can be lasered, rough spots and pre-cancers can be frozen or cauterized, fine lines can be treated with the application of various acids and microdermabrasions and hollowness on the back of the hands can be filled with Radiesse or fat grafting.


Now we have a new tool in our armamentarium to treat the aging skin of the chest and hands:

The Mixto Fraxel.

Te Mixto Fraxel allows us to use the Micro fractional CO2 Technology and treat areas “off the face” with ease. There is an immediate shrinkage and tightening of the skin and continued growth of Collagen and Elastic fibers for many more months. Downtime is generally 7-10 days in the back of the hands and chest area.

Please go to the procedure section of our website and read more about the Mixto Fraxel.

Hope to see you for a complimentary consultation.

Thnak you

Dr. A. David Rahimi


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