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Tuesday, April 27. 2010

It Is All About High Cheekbones!

I urge you to go to your coffee table and open your favorite magazine. Now look at the photos of five youthful actresses and models featured in the magazine and see what they all have in common.

High Cheekbones.

High cheekbones are seen as a sign of beauty in many cultures. It is a sign of youth and health.

As we age the Zygomatic bone (malar bone, cheek bone) shrinks and the cheekbone flattens. This, in turn, causes laxity and looseness of the skin and contributes to drooping below. The drooping shows itself in form of jowls in the lower face.

My patients are often amazed that two syringes of their favorite filler (Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, or Radiesse) can make such a dramatic effect in their appearance. By applying the above mentioned fillers (or fat for that matter) I can restore the youthful cheekbone structure, tighten the skin, and significantly improve jowling in the lower face. Symmetry is restored and high cheekbones return the face to its youthful form.

I sometimes inject a few cc of salt water (normal saline) into the cheekbones just to show my patients how they will look after the procedure. The salt water simply absorbs into your system a few hours later and everything goes back to its normal state.

Raising and replacing the lost volume in the cheekbones may be an option for you if a facelift is out of the question. Please allow us to show you.

Consultation is always free.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD.


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