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Tuesday, May 4. 2010

Do not take your irregular monthly periods lightly.

I often see challenging adult acne patients in my practice.  Women in their thirties and forties who complain of sudden change in skin texture, oiliness, and acne. This acne is usually deep and not well controlled with topical agents. A thorough history reveals irregular monthly cycles or painful and heavy cycles. Excess hair on the chin or abdominal area is another less noticed sign.

All these signs and symptoms can be the result of a condition called PCO: Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Simply put cysts on the ovaries cause irregular hormone levels that lead to acne, excess hair, and skin textural changes.

Treatments include lifestyle changes, hormone replacements, and a good skin regimen. The good news is that it is very treatable. The excess hair can be treated with laser.

Ask your dermatologist or GYN doctor if you have irregular periods and acne that is just out of control.

A. David Rahimi, M.D,F.A.A.D.


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