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Saturday, July 31. 2010

Laser Nail Fungus Treatment; Yes It Is Here...

Cooltouch Coolbreeze for Treatment of Nail Fungus

Initially I was very skeptical when I heard about toenail fungus treatment with lasers. I have been practicing medicine now since 1994 and have been telling patients for the past 16 years that toenail fungus can only be treated with oral medications such as lamisil and Sporonox. These medications are generally only about 50 percent effective and involve taking medications that can rarely damage the liver.

All this has now changed: Cooltouch lasers (1320 nm long wavelength) can now be safely used to eliminate deep seated nail fungus infections. I tried this on a few friends and patients with amazing results. Two to three treatments over 3 months and you can see new nail growing. Toe nails do take 6 to 9 months to fully grow out.

Here is a video posted by a podiatrist in Florida that shows how simple the procedure actually is:


Please go to my menu of service tab on top of the page and look up Cooltouch laser under the procedures tab and read about it.

Cost: $500/Treatment

I will update you in a few months and post before and after photos.

Hope to see you soon.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD


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