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Friday, October 29. 2010

Sunscreens are Safe

Sunscreens Are Safe

An article in the Sun and News publication recently caught my eye. Recent negative news about sunscreens by some news outlets and non-medical writers has consumers questioning the safety and benefits of sunscreens.

“A review of all scientific studies (from 1966 to 2003) shows no evidence of a relationship between sunscreen use and increased risk of melanoma”.

Warwick L. Morison, MD

Professor of Dermatology at Johns Hopkins Medical Center

Sunscreens are not Card Blanche to bake in the sun. They do however have an important role in our daily lives.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD, FAACS.

I highly recommend that you read the entire article in the Sun and Skin News publication by Perry Robins

Fall 2010 Vol 27, No 3



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