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Thursday, November 4. 2010

How Pulled is PULLED


Aesthetic cosmetic surgery is performed to restore “the youthful look”. We all can agree that some celebrities just go too far. Bruce Jenner, Heidi Montag, Donatella Versace, Jocelin Wildenstein, and Amanda Leopre are great examples.


I looked at their before and after photos on several popular sites and asked myself: How could this happen? These are intelligent, articulate people with the means to see very skilled cosmetic doctors! Are they aware that they looked better before their obsession with Cosmetic Surgery forever changed their faces?

I believe the problem is complex. Childhood insecurities, doctors that cannot say NO, and loved ones who don’t intervene are some of the factors.  We (the public) probably make things worse by giving them even more attention.

Body dysmorphic syndrome is a pervasive problem. These celebrities represent extreme cases. I deal routinely in my practice with patients who have either unrealistic expectations or want a certain a look that I cannot provide. I politely say NO; discourage them from having “cutting” surgery and urge them to find ways to reduce stress in their lives. I do provide them with a sound, effective, and safe facial treatment regimen that promote Collagen synthesis and improves their skin tone.

“Less is more” echoes out of the examining room into the hallways. Most move on to find another practitioner that will provide them with what they need. Some realize my genuine interest in helping them look better without drastic surgery.

A. David Rahimi,MD,FAAD,FAACS.


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