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Thursday, December 9. 2010

Smoking and your skin

Very few things in life truly upset me. Smoking and the morbidity and mortality that it causes make my blood boil. I believe that we have failed as a society when we allow smoking to kill over 500000 people a year in the US alone. The figure is over 10 million deaths a year worldwide. That is almost 2 Holocausts a year directly related to smoking.

Smoking also ages the skin and causes degeneration of Collagen and Elastic fibers. It causes sagging of the skin and raises the risks of various skin cancers by lowering the immune system.

A recent study by the FDA found that even transient contact with cigarette smoke causes damage; even at a cellular level by damaging the DNA.


Help a loved one stop smoking.

Zei Gesund

A. David Rahimi, MD,FAAD,FAACS.


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